Parents tend to pressurize their kids unintentionally. At a very small age parents have high expectations from their kids, they want their child to be good at everything because of which they tend to forget that they are still children who are in a age to explore and have fun without worrying about the world. 

Through this campaign I have addressed parents, instead of having high expectations from their child why not celebrate their smallest achievement, be it a small race or simple house chores your child deserves an appreciation. This encourage positive reinforcement and good behavior in child.

For this I have chosen Mad over donuts as my client because what's a better treat than a delicious looking donut!

Client : Mad Over Donuts
Target Audience : Kids and their parents.

I call this Campaign " A Donut Tale" as each illustration conveys a story.
Press Ad
Magazine Ad
Poster Ad
Social Media
Activity cum story book for children
Thank you
The Donut Tale


The Donut Tale
